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SPAO 2024

SPAO 2024 Complex Disorders of the Aerodigestive Tract

This course will focus on pediatric upper airway disorders that cause breathing and feeding problems. The presentation will review anatomy and physiology of the pediatric airway as well as common pathologies including laryngomalacia, tracheomalacia, vocal fold dysfunction, laryngeal cleft, tracheosophageal fistula, and upper airway stenosis.
  • disclaimer
  • SPAO-HNS and ENT Disclaimer
  • Course Orientation
  • SPAO Course Orientation.pptx
  • audio and materials
  • Complex Disorders of the Aerodigestive Tract.pdf
  • April 6th Advanced Track Complex Disorders of the Aerodigestive Tract 2[...].MP3
  • Student Satisfaction Survey
  • SPAO Student Course Satisfaction Survey
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "SPAO-HNS and ENT Disclaimer, SPAO Student Course Satisfaction Survey"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever