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SPAO 2024

SPAO 2024 Ansomnia/Hyposmia and It's Role in Quality of Life, Taste and Memory

This course will review the basic anatomy and physiology of olfaction, and the most common insults that can lead to a loss of smell. This will include available methods for measuring olfaction, and the relationship between olfaction and taste and the impact on flavor perception. We will discuss loss of smell as it relates to Covid, and what might be done to favorably impact one's quality of life post infection.
  • disclaimer
  • SPAO-HNS and ENT Disclaimer
  • Course Orientation
  • SPAO Course Orientation.pptx
  • audio and materials
  • Anosmia-Hyposmia and its Role in Quyality of Life, Taste and Memory.pdf
  • April 7th Advanced Track Anosmia Hyposmia and its Role in Quality of Li[...].mp3
  • Student Satisfaction Survey
  • SPAO Student Course Satisfaction Survey
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "SPAO-HNS and ENT Disclaimer, SPAO Student Course Satisfaction Survey"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever